Message to all Philippine Nuffnangers

I'm sure the Pinoy Nuffnangers recieved this message on their e-mail.

Dear Nuffnangers:

Thank you for your overwhelming response and acceptance of our efforts to establish our community in the Philippines . Since the soft launch of our website last August 27, we have reached over 900 registered bloggers in less than a month. That's a great start and we appreciate your support!

On our part, we've started to actively sell ad inventory. As you know, internet advertising is new to the Philippines , so we are not sure when revenue will ramp up.

However, we would like to assure you that we are working very hard. We've been improving our marketing material based on campaigns in Malaysia and Singapore . We've also started presenting to ad agencies and clients. We're supporting our online efforts with some outdoor video ad's on Guadalupe.We are also investing in training. Timothy has been here a couple of times to our office. And, we are planning to send our team to Malaysia and Singapore i n October to learn secrets to success that we can apply here.

Thanks again and we'll keep you posted.

Best Regards,

Nuffnang Admin

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